Two years since Indian court condemned autoworkers to life-in-prison in monstrous frame-up
The Maruti Suzuki 13 are class war prisoners, who have already had to endure six and a half years in the nightmare that is India’s penal system.
Keith Jones•
The Maruti Suzuki 13 are class war prisoners, who have already had to endure six and a half years in the nightmare that is India’s penal system.
Thirteen Maruti Suzuki workers have been condemned to life in prison as the result of a monstrous frame-up mounted by the automaker, the police and judicial authorities, with the full complicity of India’s principal political parties.
The ICFI’s worldwide campaign to free the Maruti Suzuki autoworkers rests on a long tradition of international workers’ action on behalf of the victims of capitalist “justice.”
Careful examination and systematic refutation of the state’s legal case has always been a critical part of international defense campaigns.