The International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees

Google lays off 12,000 workers as tech jobs bloodbath intensifies

The announcement by Google that it is laying off 12,000 workers is the latest in the intensifying jobs bloodbath in the technology sector internationally and the spearhead of a drive by the financial elite to impose the inflation crisis on the backs of the working class.

Kevin Reed

“Rank-and-file postal workers, not the corrupt union officialdom, should decide if MacKinnon’s antidemocratic back-to-work order will be respected or defied”

Canada Post workers call for working class to mobilize in opposition to Liberal government’s strike ban

The CUPW leadership has issued no call for postal workers to defy the impending, patently anti-democratic government-order illegalizing their strike. As for the Canadian Labour Congress, it hasn’t so much as bothered to issue a press release denouncing the Liberal government's strikebreaking.

Our reporters

Minnesota: Deer River Essentia Health strike enters 27th day

The Deer River strike is part of a larger wave of class struggle within the United States and globally, as workers increasingly rebel against decades of stagnant wages, austerity, and the erosion of their living conditions.

Anthony Bertolt

New Zealand nurses hold more strikes

As the government imposes brutal austerity measures, including more than 2,000 job cuts in the healthcare sector, tens of thousands of nurses and healthcare workers have stopped work across the country.

Tom Peters
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