Lessons of the 1984-1985 AP Parts strike in Toledo
The 285-day strike by Toledo AP Parts workers was the longest in the history of the city and bears important lessons for autoworkers today.
Shannon Jones•
The 285-day strike by Toledo AP Parts workers was the longest in the history of the city and bears important lessons for autoworkers today.
In this video, Socialist Equality Party Assistant National Secretary Lawrence Porter spoke with Gary Tyler, who spent 42 years in Louisiana’s Angola penitentiary for a crime he didn’t commit.
Gary Tyler, a class-war prisoner from Destrehan, Louisiana, was framed up at the age of 16 for a murder he did not commit and incarcerated for nearly 42 years. He is now an artist and mentor of ex-prisoners.
Ahmed White, of the University of Colorado Law School, is the author of Under the Iron Heel: The Wobblies and the Capitalist War on Radical Workers.