
Please make a donation to support our work in 2025.

The Socialist Equality Party bases its perspective on the independent political mobilisation of the working class in Britain, in alliance with their brothers and sisters in Europe and internationally.

Unlike all the other parties, the Socialist Equality Party receives no funds from big business or the trade unions. We rely entirely on the generosity of our members and supporters.

Your donation can help us extend our reach—through meetings, leaflets, posters, mailshots and on social media.

Please make as large a donation as you can!

Thank you.

Chris Marsden

National Secretary

Socialist Equality Party (Britain)


If you intend to donate more than £500, you must be registered to vote in the UK. Contact us if you require further information.


Alternatively, send a cheque to:

Socialist Equality Party

Box 106

88 Queen Street

Sheffield S1 2FW

Please include your full name and address.