Build rank-and-file committees!

The World Socialist Web Site and the Socialist Equality Parties are assisting workers everywhere in the building of an interconnected network of rank-and-file committees, to organize a united counter-offensive against inequality, exploitation, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, and the rapidly escalating imperialist world war.

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Join a rank-and-file committee!

There are now rank-and-file committees of autoworkers, educators, Amazon and logistics workers, postal workers, bus drivers, and many other sections of the working class.

Rank-and-file committees are of, by and for the rank-and-file workers, who have a different set of interests than management, the bosses, the politicians, and the trade union apparatus, who oppress workers in order to defend the profits of the ruling elite.

Contact us now to join a committee. If there is not already a committee in your workplace, industry or region, we will help you start one!

“Rank-and-file postal workers, not the corrupt union officialdom, should decide if MacKinnon’s antidemocratic back-to-work order will be respected or defied”

Canada Post workers call for working class to mobilize in opposition to Liberal government’s strike ban

The CUPW leadership has issued no call for postal workers to defy the impending, patently anti-democratic government-order illegalizing their strike. As for the Canadian Labour Congress, it hasn’t so much as bothered to issue a press release denouncing the Liberal government's strikebreaking.

Our reporters

Talks restart for US East Coast docks contract

The potential of a new strike next week, only five days before the inauguration of Donald Trump, underscores the enormous class conflict which will erupt under the fascist administration.

Tom Hall
The pandemic must be ended!