The World Socialist Web Site will continue to post statements against war from workers and young people across the United States. Anti-war sentiment is censored from the corporate media. Post your statements on social media to show the world that the US population does not want war, using the hashtag #SpeakOutAgainstWW3.
William, Mack Trucks worker in Macungie, PA: “All of my coworkers have said that they are not looking for war.”

“I don’t support the buildup to war against Russia by the United States and its military. US President Biden has said that Democrats and Republicans support this; well they don’t represent me! All of my coworkers have said that they are not looking for war, and they are anti-war.”
Stellantis truck assembly workers in Warren Michigan: “War is always for economic interests.”
Members and supporters of the Socialist Equality Party campaigned at Stellantis’ truck assembly plant in the Detroit suburb of Warren. Workers spoke out strongly in opposition to US imperialism and Russian militarism in Ukraine.
After decades of US-led wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and other countries, workers indicated a deep skepticism over the government and media presentation of events. “If Mexico or Canada had bio labs threatening us, the US would certainly invade them,” one worker said, referring to the years-long arming of Ukraine by the US.
“We are in World War III right now,” another worker said. “[The United States] has been using the Ukrainians as a proxy against Russia since 2014. Congress sees that the public is not going to stand by this time and let us be drawn into another war again. If Congress doesn’t do it, it is up to us. We are the people.”
A third worker said, “War is always for economic interests, for money and the control of resources. It’s going to be hard because the masses are so divided, but we have to unite workers against war.”
Clare, a teacher in Alabama: “Say NO to war. Say YES to elimination.”
Clare said, “As teachers and members of the working class in the US, it is imperative that we stand together in solidarity. With so many lives lost to this pandemic, THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR WAR! Did we not learn anything? Did not the time in solitude allow us to realize what is important? Our lives, our families, and our values are most important and necessary! The ruling class wants us to forget that.
“How dare they put us in the throngs of war when we are still not finished fighting the war against COVID. Money that should be poured into funding the elimination of this disease is now being ripped away to fund a cruel and unnecessary war.
“Our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and Russia have pleaded to stop this war. Teachers and other members of the working class are still fighting to live. WE MUST SAY NO to war and YES to solidarity and YES to elimination of this disease. This pandemic is global, and the fight should be global. We have to do this together!
“There is yet another variant of COVID, and China has already started shutdowns because they know and have proven that elimination is possible. We need to follow their lead and eliminate this virus! It is possible, and it can happen. It is going to take all of us working together to end this war and this pandemic. Stand with the Ukrainian and Russian working class. Say NO to war. Say YES to elimination. Together we can!
“We also stand with the teachers in Minneapolis who are walking out with their students to save lives and improve working conditions. We stand with teachers and the working class all over the world. We stand with you!”
Zach, a student at the University of Michigan

“I support the working people of Russia, who are extremely hurting. The ruble has been destroyed, peoples’ life savings have evaporated. The Ukrainian people are also hurting of course. And if war were to happen everybody around the world, especially people of NATO member states, will be hurting as well.”
Sheridan, a worker in Tennessee
“I strongly oppose any military action in Ukraine that could lead to World War III. The working people of the world must stand together in opposing both NATO aggression and Russian militarism. A diplomatic solution to end this crisis must be found.”
Ronda, a Michigan health care worker
“I am a health care worker. I drive to people’s homes to take care of them. Because of the pandemic, I have to be careful about what clients I will accept now, and I have to rule out homes where I feel it’s too risky because there are too many people coming in and out. I don’t want to get COVID! Here I am in my mask—which I still wear at work—at the gas station filling up the car.
“When Biden says workers are willing to pay more for gas to support the war, what is he talking about?! Nobody asked me if I was willing to pay more. I don’t understand what this war is all about, but I do not agree with it.”
David Daley, a teacher in Pennsylvania
“The US has been at war since WWI and our crimes are legion. As this war continues, ever more sacrifices will be demanded of workers as their lives are sacrificed to COVID and World War III. Workers everywhere must organize and build to a global strike to prevent World War III and to end permanent pandemic.”

Student at Appalachian State University in North Carolina
'We are seeing the ruling class drag us backward into capitalist barbarism. It's essential that we fight for the development of an anti-war movement based on socialism, irreconcilably opposed to both US imperialism and Russian nationalism.'

Sam, a photographer in Hazel Park, MI: “I oppose this war and I haven’t met one person that supports this”
“This war and its propaganda have come out at a time when mask mandates are being lifted and the corporate media outlets are falsely claiming that we are approaching ‘'endemic status’ with COVID-19. All while we are still losing 2,000 people a day to this virus. This tells me all I need to know about our government’s ‘fight for democracy.’ They do not care about our lives—only how much money we can put into their pockets. They do not care about the people of Ukraine. They care about power.
“The sanctions that the U.S. has made against Russia affect ALL working class people globally. This war is a lose-lose situation for the working class and can only benefit the people who are already in power—no matter who wins. What a tragedy it is to sacrifice resources, money, and lives for the sake of imperialism, rather than focusing on supporting and serving the community in the midst of a pandemic. I oppose this war and I haven’t met one person that supports this.”
Abed, a student of Lebanese descent at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan:
“Honestly I have not been following the situation all that closely. I see bits and pieces on the news and all around but I am not clear on all the details. But, I am from the Middle East and I know that the US has used the same arguments to go to war, like spreading democracy and saving lives to go into many countries in the Middle East. But look at the aftermath. Look at the before and after in some of these countries they were ‘saving’ and it’s hard to believe that was ever really the goal. … I do think that most of the time it is about oil or other resources.”
Tom, who works in computing in Chicago, Illinois
“I am in full agreement with fighting against the war. I’ve been following the coverage on Ukraine very closely. All fighting needs to cease immediately. And America is flirting with the end of human civilization with this needless provocation. The working class most certainly needs to be mobilized to oppose the war.”
A student from China commented on war and the COVID-19 pandemic:
“While I don’t agree with the policies of the Chinese government, and I certainly don’t think that it could be considered socialist, the fact is that it has been possible to control the pandemic from the outset. If governments around the world collectively dedicated resources to work together to end the coronavirus, then it would not have been an economic burden to individual countries at all. And only then could people truly get on with their lives.”
Trace, a student in New York City: “How could anyone think that the US can solve social problems abroad when we have anti-democratic, far-right politicians and fascists in our own government?”
“It’d be insane to think that the US and NATO are capable of doing anything other than make the situation worse in Ukraine. This conflict is of a pattern with every other military intervention that the US has been part of in the past few decades—from Afghanistan to Libya to Kuwait to Iraq. They’ve been talking about confronting Russia for a few years at this point. It’s not at all how they make it seem in the media that this was the result of a completely unforeseen action by Putin.
“How could anyone think that the US can solve social problems abroad when we have anti-democratic, far-right politicians and fascists in our own government? Not to mention the fact that these same types of political forces are in the Ukrainian government because we helped to put them there in 2014.
“A world war would not benefit the workers of Russia, the US, Ukraine, or Europe, for that matter. I totally oppose this escalation.”
A New York City student studying education technology: “The US has abysmally failed to handle COVID-19 and now we have this war drive.”
“I agree that a war between NATO and Russia is the outcome of social tensions in every country between the population and their governments. Considering the fact that the US has abysmally failed to handle COVID-19 and now we have this war drive—it’s an indication that US and NATO are seeking to rally their populations around an external enemy.”
A student from China commented on war and the COVID-19 pandemic:
“While I don’t agree with the policies of the Chinese government, and I certainly don’t think that it could be considered socialist, the fact is that it has been possible to control the pandemic from the outset. If governments around the world collectively dedicated resources to work together to end the coronavirus, then it would not have been an economic burden to individual countries at all. And only then could people truly get on with their lives.”
Ivan, a student in San Diego, California: “The risk to humanity cannot be overstated.”
“I am completely opposed to any war with Russia, the absolute risk to humanity cannot be overstated. Both Russia and the United States have the largest nuclear arsenals in the world, and the end of the Cold War hasn’t made these weapons any less destructive. Given my concerns that I’ve previously listed, I’m completely disgusted and infuriated by the mainstream media’s complete disregard for the safety of working people around the world, by going on about how “Sanctions aren’t enough” and that the United States and EU should take a more direct military approach. Direct conflict between the United States and Russia over the Ukrainian conflict is in no one’s interest. As an American I don’t wish to get involved in another war for economic interest, I highly doubt the average Ukrainian who is being bombed out of a home wants a further escalation of an already terrible conflict, and for the average Russian citizen it isn’t much better, as they’re facing a plunge into poverty as a result of sanctions. The blame for this conflict is on the shoulders of the reactionary oligarchy in Russia and the imperialists in the American Military-Intelligence establishment. War is in no one’s best interest, not even the average Russian who’s been demonized.”
Rebecca, a worker in Houston, Texas: “Don’t fight a war, fight capitalism.”
“I don't think most average people can think of a worse idea at this moment in time than going to war.
“Just look at what we workers are facing. Out of control gas prices. Out of control food prices. Out of control workplace regimes. An out-of-control pandemic. We spend every hour of the day between a rock and a hard place navigating impossible situations. Many of us do not succeed. Many of us are getting crushed by it all.
“The media and the government try to convince all of us that the arrangement of the world into nation-states with borders is the only way that we can conceive of human life. That we must build “our nation” at the expense of “other nations,” and that when it’s time to “get up and fight” for “our nation,” we have no choice, we must get up and fight.
“But when you look into the eyes of the people that your government is about to spend trillions of your tax dollars maiming and incinerating, you become crystal clear on the fact that these people [Russians] are not your enemies. That they could just as easily be your family, your children, your coworkers, your friends. They eat, sleep and have dreams, just like you. You see that there really are no other people or other nations. We are all the same. And we all bleed red.
“It is time for the working class of the world to come together and put capitalism in the history books for good, and instead usher in the undeniable destiny of humanity: one world, one body of people, one global nation, working together on one goal: the the building of human civilization, and the pursuit of human greatness and excellence for all.
“Workers of the world, let us reject this world war together and fight instead for world socialism!”
Sal, a community college student in San Francisco, California: “We must oppose US-NATO imperialism without supporting Russian militarism”

Maria, a retired US Army medical employee in California: “What we need is a massive strike and awakening of the working class to stand together and say no to war”

Erin, Southern California nurse: “As a mother of four, it pains me to think of the world that my children will inherit”
“As a mother of four, it pains me to think of the world that my children will inherit. I feel the suffering that Ukraine is going through will be felt for decades to come. The inevitable war that is being pushed upon us by the US government has dire consequences. As a nurse in critical care, many of us have not recovered yet from the many deaths we witnessed during COVID. I can’t even begin to think of what will come. I wish our country would focus on healing and building instead of destruction.”
A Dana auto parts worker in Michigan: “Nobody that I know is for this war”
“I obviously don’t support Putin, but the media is totally making it out to seem that Putin is unhinged and bent on world domination. The media is forgetting the lies of Bush, withdrawing from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, and Trump’s withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces treaty in 2019, both of which followed shortly thereafter with Russia’s withdrawal from those treaties and the further development of nuclear weapons. Mutually Assured Destruction doesn’t just apply to nuclear weapons, it applies to the sanctions which are already harming the workers here too in terms of gas prices and inflation.
“Months ago, Putin said he wanted the US to cease NATO exercises on their borders, and in 2020 NATO conducted an exercise where they flew B-52 bombers over Ukrainian territory and flew nuclear carriers very near Russian territory in Kaliningrad. What would the US’s reaction be if Russia flew a nuclear bomber over American air space? But they don’t mention that in the news. How would the US react if Russia brought its naval carriers into US waters, which the US does to Russia.
“Nobody that I know is for this war. Nobody wants to get drawn into a war with Russia. I haven’t experienced people saying they are hostile to Russia at work or on Facebook or anything. People are complaining about gas prices, they can’t believe how high prices are.
“Russia doesn’t equal Putin. Russians are the ones who will suffer the most under economic sanctions, and the sanctions are hurting us too. Gas goes up and everything else goes up too because you need gas to transport goods and food and everything else. So the whole world suffers. My friend said he is going back to ramen and COVID shut-down spending. He said he is estimating for the cost of living doubling.”
Video: Liz, a nurse from Los Angeles: “All working class people from the US must unite w/our Ukrainian and Russian brothers & sisters”

Griffin, a student at San Diego State University: “I oppose Ukrainian and Russian nationalism”
“No matter the war, workers are the ones that lose. This conflict is fed by corporate greed. I oppose Ukrainian and Russian nationalism. I hate the one-sidedness of the propaganda. It exposes everything wrong with the global system.”
Amy, a worker in Michigan: American workers “will continue to voice our dissent”
“I am a worker in the US (Michigan). I worked within the human resources field for 15 years, but left the corporate world five years ago after realizing how prevalent greed and mistreatment of workers is in the capitalist system. I dedicate my time now to privately helping workers navigate those systems.
“Though the United States government attempts to tell another story, American workers do not support the war on Ukraine, and demand the US pave a route to peace. The US and NATO have, for the span of my lifetime, brought terror and violence to workers throughout the world. They look to claim moral superiority while lining the pockets of oligarchs from the bloodshed of innocents with the wealth workers produce.
“I do not support endless sanctions levied by the US, which harm only the working class. I do not support the imperialists in NATO, or their endless expansion—directing billions in resources towards terror instead of improving the lives of workers across the globe.
“I do not support the US/NATO claiming moral superiority throughout this invasion, while failing to acknowledge and atone for the actions directly contributing to this war.
“I stand in solidarity with workers everywhere to denounce the violence and horror thrust upon you by governments only looking to exploit your suffering for capitalist gain.
“There is nothing heroic about this war. Nothing progressive. Nothing that improves the lives of workers, in the US or internationally. We will continue to voice our dissent until they are forced to hear us.”
Ric, a teacher in Los Angeles, California

“I am strongly opposed to any war against Russia which would trigger WWIII. President Biden could have defused the situation had he taken Russia’s legitimate security concerns into consideration and agreed to back NATO off of Russia’s doorstep. But it’s obvious US/NATO provocations have been designed to back Russia into a corner and dare it to start a war.
“None of what the US/NATO is doing will help the Ukrainians nor anyone else. If anything, it will enrich the Military Industrial Complex and Big Oil. But the US/NATO have a long history of claiming ‘humanitarian’ concerns to cover their imperialist aims, which in this case is to diminish any opposition to the US as Global Cop & Decider (of which corrupt regimes to ally with and which to topple). NATO’s purpose has ceased with the dissolution of the USSR. NATO should be disbanded.”
Alex, a postal worker in Minnesota: “This is a great distraction and a scapegoat for the ruling class”

“I think this is a great distraction and a scapegoat for the ruling class; it gives them a pseudo enemy to ‘unite’ against, while our true enemy makes our policies, controls most media, basically told us to go to work and die, and more recently is pretending like the pandemic magically disappeared. Our real enemy is our own government.
“In reading the WSWS’ recent perspectives, I didn’t realize how much opposition there was to the war in Iraq! Thinking back to that time when I was 13, I would have told you we were fighting a just war based on what I was told. And now knowing those were all lies used to justify war. It’s sad.”
A Texas oil refinery worker: “The working class must stand united against war”
“In recent weeks, oil companies have seen their profitability soar to levels never seen before and defense contractors’ stock values have been steadily increasing as the possibility of war becomes more certain for investors.
“The working class, however, must make sacrifices. They flee their homes, leaving behind everything. They suffer the economic realities associated with war, like rapid inflation and price gouging, as well as shortages of necessities. They fear for their children’s safety as they get sent to fight another unjust war. Some will even lose their lives.
“The working class must stand united against war. While the world’s elite use such a conflict to increase profits and expand their spheres of influence, the working class only suffers.”