
Online public meetings: The socialist perspective in the California gubernatorial elections

On September 4 and September 11, from 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. PDT, Socialist Equality Party gubernatorial candidate David Moore will hold two online town hall meetings outlining a socialist perspective on the California recall election, responding to questions, and discussing the way forward for the working class.

Register today to attend these meetings.

The meetings will focus on socialism and the fight to eradicate COVID-19. After more than 64,000 Californians have perished from COVID-19, Governor Gavin Newsom is throwing open schools and businesses as the Delta variant spreads.

David Moore

The recall campaign against Newsom is driven by right-wing forces that aim to remove even the most modest restrictions on the spread of COVID-19 and the accumulation of profit. For this reason, the SEP has called for a “no” vote on the recall. At the same time, the Democrats are a party of Wall Street. They are themselves responsible, in California and the US, for the catastrophic impact of the pandemic.

The Socialist Equality Party demands an immediate end to the reopening of schools for in-person instruction while the pandemic rages. This criminal policy, supported by the trade unions, will lead to a massive surge of the pandemic and the infection, illness and death of countless children, educators and the public as a whole.

What has blocked the implementation of a scientific and rational program to eradicate the virus is the fact that at every point the necessary measures to save lives have been subordinated to the profit interests of the rich. Both the Democrats and the Republicans, along with their counterparts globally, represent the capitalist ruling class.

It is the working class—educators, parents, autoworkers, logistics workers, health care workers and the entire working class internationally—that must be organized and mobilized to put an end to the needless suffering produced by the pandemic.

David Moore is the only candidate fighting to build an international workers movement to eradicate the pandemic, put an end to imperialist war and replace the capitalist system, based on inequality and exploitation, with socialism.

Register today!

For more information on the campaign of David Moore, visit the campaign webpage.
